Further reading / publications
Books and publications that add to our understanding of the History of Cupar

The History, Ancient and Modern, of the Sherriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, Sir Robert Sibbald, 1803. (Google Books Edition available online)
The Statistical Account of Scotland, Vol X Fife, 1796, reprint
The Statistical Account of Fifeshire, 1845
The Third Statistical Account of the County of Fife, 1952
History of the County of Fife, from the earliest period to the present time, J.M. Leighton, 3 vols. 1840
The first volume provides a general account of the county of Fife, while later volumes look in detail at individual parishes. The engravings by Joseph Swan add value to the learned text and Cupar as the County Town is given 45 pages of description.
Charters and other Muniments belonging to the Royal Burgh of Cupar, G. Home, 1882
This study contains translations from the original charters, including the 1381 grant of a free port on the Motray at Guardbridge.
Historical Notes and Reminiscences of Cupar, 1884
These notes are reprints from the Fife Herald due to the awakening of interest in local history at the time. The compiler drew upon the records of the Town Council, files of the Fife Herald and oral testimony of a number of older inhabitants.
Fife Pictorial and Historical, 2 vols A.H. Millar, 1895
Church and Parish, being brief historical papers on the parishes within the Presbytery of Cupar, edited by George Walker, Minister of Ceres, 1925
Fife News Almanac, until 1942
J. & G. Innes produced the Fife News Almanac in Cupar between 1886 and 1942. An annual compilation of news, pictures and advertisements from around the area, these volumes represent a rich source of research material. They can also be useful as artefacts for display purposes. The Cupar Museum collection comprises almanacs for 1901, 1907, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942, so a lot more need to be found!
Fife and its Folk, compiled by Elia Bonthrone, former County Librarian, 1951
The purpose of this booklet which was published to coincide with the Festival of Britain was to give an outline of the County, its people and natural resources.
This historical account is a collection of papers originally published in the Presbytery of Cupar Magazine of Life and Work. Written by the ministers of the respective parishes, it is well-illustrated.
‘Tween Forth and Tay, by T.G.Snoddy, 1966
A valuable account of roads and routes between the many small communities that can be explored in the area around Cupar. Much has changed since it was published, but it provides a good account of the attractions in this part of Fife.
The Parish Church of Cupar Old and St Michael of Tarvit, Margaret Boyd, 1971
Historic Cupar: the archaeological implications of development, Anne Turner Simpson and Sylvia Stevenson Scottish Burgh Survey, 1981 (Report)
The Great Road between Forth and Tay, from the earliest times to 1850, G.P. Bennett, 1983
This booklet deals with both road and rail from the early roads, through turnpike and tollbars, coach routes, railways and their construction. It also refers to the crossing of the Firths by sail and steam.
The Roads of Fife, Owen Silver, 1987
This book sets out to survey the background to road improvement in the Scottish Lowlands and chart the development of the road system in Fife. The introduction of Turnpike Roads, their management and old routes across the County are dealt with at length.
Discovering Fife, Raymond Lamont-Brown, 1988
A guide to the Kingdom for the tourist and armchair traveller in the late 20th century.
Cupar in Old Picture Postcards, Volume 1, Margaret Boyd, 1987
Cupar in Old Picture Postcards, Volume 2, Margaret Boyd, 1989
Local historian Margaret Boyd selected the images and provided the text for this two-volume account of Cupar’s past, dealing with both the prominent aspects of the town’s heritage and also its social history .
Cupar Doctors and their families, David W.W.Hendry, 1992
Retired General Practitioner David Hendry researched the lives and families of former doctors in Cupar between the 16th century and the 1990’s. In addition to the personalities, he identified where they practiced, summarised the histories of local hospitals and listed associated professionals.
Lairds and Farmers in Fife, Robert W. MacLeod, 1996.
An alphabetical listing of the farms in the area north of a line between Newburgh, Cupar and St Andrews. A former agricultural representative, the author was well placed to draw out the history and stories of individual farms and personalities.
Old Cupar, Paula Martin and Steven Penrice, 1998
A selection of photographs showing the character of the town supplemented by helpful text.
The Kingdom of Fife, an illustrated architectural guide, Glen Pride, 1999
Cupar: the history of a small Scottish town, Paula Martin, 2006
A detailed account of the beginnings of the settlement that became a Royal Burgh, a centre of trade and the county town of Fife. The book draws upon many original sources adding to its authenticity.
Cupar, the years of controversy: its Newspaper Press 1822 -1872, Andrew Campbell, Fife Family History Society, 2009
Complied by a noted local genealogist, this publication records the incidents and characters who instituted the local newspapers published in Cupar with tales of editors, rivalries, financial struggles and occasional skulduggery.
The Old Howe of Fife, Guthrie Hutton, 2010
A well-illustrated account of the villages that comprise the Howe of Fife with fascinating background and stories.
Cupar Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, 2010, Fife Council (Report)
This useful survey brings attention to the historic aspects of the town centre that are deserving of attention, with recommendations for their future preservation.
Place Names of Fife, Volume Four, North Fife between Eden and Tay, Simon Taylor with Gilbert Markus, 2010
The Place Names of Fife Series, published by the University of Glasgow between 2006 and 2010 covered the whole of the Fife area and is organised alphabetically by parish with extensive analysis of the origins , pronunciation and linguistic origins.
The Adamson Hospital: a history compiled for the hospital on its upgrading, 2009-2012, by Cupar Heritage (Guthrie Hutton, author), 2012
This local hospital commenced modestly with a legacy and has grown to become a modern health centre serving Cupar and the surrounding area. This booklet recounts the journey towards this vital part of the community.
Kilmany in Fife: glimpses of history, David Weekes, 2013.
An account of this historic parish dating back to the 13th century. An important agricultural area, five miles from Cupar, it also had close associations with St Salvator’s College ,St Andrews University.
Letham, the history, Donald Dallas, 2019
This book is a detailed history of many of the houses, businesses and lives of local inhabitants.
The close links with Melville House are also explored.